Mountain View

Alex Castaneda

Web Developer Graphic Artist


To gain experience and education through work and occupation that will help my young professional career.

Summary Of Skills

While attending the University of Central Florida I have gained the skills and experience in digital Media graphic art and web development. I have learned HTML/CSS, javascript, jquery, AJAX/JSON, php/mysql, and more. I have experience with Adobe creative cloud. I have entry level experience in Autodesk maya, and the unity gaming engine. I was a volunteer radio dj for two years at the rollins college radio station WPRK 91.5 FM.


Valencia college:

Associates degree in general studies

University of Central Florida:

Currently gaining skills in web development and digital media remotely with online classes.



Worked with a team to develop a budget management site. I was in charge of using a google charts api to display a pie chart that worked with php and a mysql table that allows one to see their spending ratio. Also was in charge using php,mysql and ajax to allow users to update expenses in a table.


Worked with a team to create a e-commerce site. Was in charge of all backend server side scripting. I used php and mysql. I created the log gin and register froms. used a table for user accounts and set up the admin page.


Was and currently am the webmaster for a hair salon called susie hair hero.


Web master for amach studio production.

recent work

Budget dashboard site


A group effort with four other individuals. My responsablility was the php, javascript, ajax, JSON api and mysql compnents of the site. I used a google charts api, restful news api for the dashboard. I also set up the database.

Moola dashboard site

Ghibli movie api page using angular


A simple single page application that uses a API that has a database on Studio Ghibli films

Ghibli angular application

Amach studios


A website I help built and maintain for a production studio.

Amach Imagery

News API page


Just a simple page that uses ajax, JSON, and a news api to provide a news feed about the president from thousands of news websites. I also integrated a facebook developers sdk for a simple log in button. This SDK aslo acts a analytics program that tracks traffic and the amount of people logged in wich could be useful for SEO. I used the materialize framework for a quick html template.

Trump Tracker

Mobile app mockup


A high fedility prototype for a mobile app.

Mobile app prototype

E-commerce site


A group project where we built a mock up of a e-commerce website. My job was to code the user log in and sign up fatures. I also set up different types of accounts one for regular memebrs and admins that have the ability to add, delete users and products. I also created the database of products as well as the users.

e-commerce site